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Soup is good food

Pho is Vietnamese beef noodle soup.

It is also a community that gathers over soup to share ideas about "the digital delivery of art" and "the convergence of entertainment and technology."

Discussions take place at gatherings in Los Angeles, New York, Washington, D.C., San Francisco, San Jose, Nashville, Seattle, Minneapolis, Boston ,San Diego, Chicago, Portland, Helskinki, London, Berlin, Moscow and beyond.

Our conversations continue online via The Pho List.

List subscription requests are adjudicated by John Parres and Jim Griffin. The more info you share the better your chances of admission since anonymity is not allowed.

Some list subscribers run blogs, including Xeni Jardin, Geoff Goodfellow, Peter Rojas, Randy Reiss, Jim Goodman, Lloyd Dunn, Eric Olsen, Susan Mernit, Andy Baio, Ruth Kaufman, John von Seggern, Gen Kanai, Lucas Gonze, Brandon Edwards, Lisa Rein, Jeff Coleman, JD Lasica, Paul Schreiber,
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Pho Tai @ Pho '87 in LA

photo by Josh Wattles
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Alternative Compensations Systems
site design Xeni Jardin

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